EDS Rejuvenate Skin Needling Treatment
We all want Smoother, Brighter, Younger & Healthier Looking Skin and here at Simply Skin Oldham we can offer the perfect solution with Skin Needling!
EDS Rejuvenation is an advanced, electronic, micro-skin needling treatment, a procedure that stimulates the skin to regenerate and repair itself naturally.
Professional skin-needling is an established clinically proven procedure and has remarkable results in significantly improving the appearance of:
- Acne scars
- Photo-damaged & ageing skin
- Facial and décolleté lines and wrinkles
- Stretch marks
And because skin needling stimulates natural responses in the skin, the results you’ll see are completely natural too.
Skin Needling
(pay as you go)x 6
(save 20%)Using tailored solutions to target individual concerns Consultation FREE FACE Very Minor (under eyes) £45 £216 Full Face £140 £672 Full Face & Neck £190 £912 BODY e.g. Abdomen (stretch marks) or upper back (acne) £210 £1008
The EDS Rejuvenate treatment is an electronic, micro-skin needling procedure that produces thousands of micro-needle columns in the skin, which in turn stimulates the skin to naturally generate and repair itself. As part of this stimulation new collagen can be formed, new cells generated and the structure of the dermis, the lower level of the skin, enhanced.
We carry out the EDS Rejuvenate procedure using the advanced, medical grade eDermastamp device.
The EDS Rejuvenate procedure has a good comfort level, however, this will normally be made more so by numbing your skin using a topical anesthetic beforehand.
We will then use the eDermastamp to produce thousands of micro-medical needle columns in the skin, and a serum will also be used to help the handpiece glide on the skin. The treatment will take around 60 minutes, depending on the area being treated.
Immediately after your EDS Rejuvenate treatment you will look as though you have moderate sunburn, and your skin may feel warmer and tighter than usual. To assist your skin in its recovery we will apply a post-procedure product. The pinkness may last upto 48 hours depending on your skins reaction.
We will suggest a course of EDS Rejuvenate treatments depending on the condition being treated, but expect at least three treatments approximately 6 weeks apart.
You should avoid any potentially irritating skincare products at least 3 days prior to your treatment.
You should then avoid intensive UV exposure and artificial exposure for at least 2 weeks after your procedure. It is important that you use a high level broad spectrum UVB|UVA sun protectant on a daily basis during this period, even in winter and on cloudy days. Once the redness has cleared following an EDS® Skin Rejuvenation procedure, it is important that the skin is cared for on an ongoing daily basis with an effective anti-ageing regime. we can recommend a regime most suitable for you, which will also help maintain the results.
After your procedure, you can expect a significant improvement in your skin’s texture and tone. </br?The results may take a little time to show, this could be up to 3 months. Rest assured that the results you see over time will look natural and be long lasting.